Thursday, 21 August 2014

Fresh Starts

Hi, I'm Vince.

I'm 31 years old and this is the year things are going to change for me.

This blog is about me becoming the best version of myself that I can be. I want to test how far I can go by allowing my body the opportunity to heal and grow like never before.

I want to share what I've learned about health and nutrition and fitness through study, exploring the web and practice too. I'm hoping also that in some way this blog can help other people who are looking to make a positive change to their lives.

I also want to chronicle my journey starting right here today. So here's a bit about myself...

I live in Auckland, New Zealand with my husband Bruce (we got married this year in L.A. after an eight year engagement). We have two Pomeranians named Andre (he's five) and Sookie (she's four). There's also the Birman cat, Hunter (he's seven). We bought a house this year and let me tell you, the price's in Auckland to buy a house are insane. We've got a little two bedroom not far from work in a nice suburb. We're happy!

This year I decided to quit smoking and quit alcohol. It's been eight months not smoking and about three weeks today not drinking. Bruce has quit too, except for drinking on special occasions but no more wine during the working week like we used to!

We've also been living the Paleo Diet lifestyle full time now for about two months. I had been doing Paleo on and off for the past year before that. Although, cheese isn't Paleo, but gosh it's hard to quit cheese. Ever heard of emmental cheese? It's so tasty! Anyway you can see my story leading up to where I am today by reading my other blog post here.

We have a blender and make green smoothies for most days breakfasts. This recipe is my favourite. Our blender is an Optimum 9400 and I highly recommend it if you're looking for a great quality, commercial grade blender at half the price and on par with the Vitamix.

My plans for this blog are to diary the things I learn and also explore my own reasons for quitting nicotine and alcohol and why I want to upgrade myself through my health in all aspects.

Thanks for reading and I hope to see you back again! Heres to fresh starts!


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