Thursday, 28 August 2014

The New Name

Just a quick post today about the blog name change. I've spent a few days trying to come up with a name that's original but also easy to remember.

I want my blog to encompass all that I believe can truly make your life better in many different aspects from food to fitness. I like EverHeal. It's catchy and it states my reason for making this blog. I want to share with you what I've learned about ways to stay 'always healthy'.

I'd love to build a community of like-minded people where we can share ideas and learnings of things that make your life better in ways that nature intended. I want EverHeal to be the concept that it's never too late to gain back health and wellness, no matter what your age, weight or fitness level. Your body wants to be healthy and it can be. I have seen first hand the ways that you can enable it.

Thanks again for reading and I'm looking forward to what's in store! I hope you are too.

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